Thursday, October 1, 2009

Frugal flowers season

This is my favorite time of the year. Just cool enough to wear a sweater. This is also the time when I bring in all my potted plants. To add color to the front of my home I have geraniums in various colors in large pots . I also have portulacas plants planted at the bottom of my potted tropical foliage and potted tropical cannas. As you would imagine it is quite a colorful display. These plants were given to me years ago. Each year I forgo buying flowers for the front of my home. I reuse the the previous years plants. It does take a little care through out the winter. You must water and occasionally feed the plants. I feel it is well worth it, considering the savings and beautiful entrance to my home . You will find they get larger each year. I break off the large branches of the geraniums and stick them in other dirt filled pots to share with frugal friends. The tropical cannas will also need to be dug up and shared with friends as well. As for the portulacas, they die back but reseed themselves to grow again in spring. The plants also look great in the house. I have a chair by them that I sit and enjoy my tea occasionally during the winter. I pretend it's summer, and in that room it is.

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