Tuesday, December 1, 2009

For those in need this holiday season: Spread the word.

and coat giveaway
Open to Everyone!!!
December 25, 2009
Lanesboro Community Center
Main Street, Lanesboro/Susquehan na
serving noon to 3PM

for info call: 570-727-2371 (leave name and number)
sponsored by The Good Samaritan & Body of Christ Church

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Free to low cost vacation.

The only free vacation I know of is camping in the back yard. It can be great fun. String some Christmas lights, and pitch a tent. A small fire in a galvanized tub would be nice also. Although, an almost free vacation can be taken with friends or relatives that live in nice locations. Think about it.... All you need is gas money or a ticket and you can stay and eat for free with friends or relatives. I would suggest returning the favor when they come a knocking on your door some day. You also may want to make it a long weekend and not a week vacation. Remember....House guests and fish start to stink after a few days. House sitting for some one while they are on vacation may also be an option. You might even get a few bucks to feed the dog. You can also go on mini vacations to resort communities,if you don't mind the sales pitch. WWW.vrbo.com (vacation rentals by owners)is another good site to find an affordable place to stay on vacation. Just drive to the location and buy groceries for the week. Some places even allow your dog or cat. You could also go with friends and split the costs. I understand there is also vaction home swap site but, I don't know if you would want some one living in your home. You may also want to contact your local travel shop. I understand there are great bargins right now. Best of Luck.

Monday, October 12, 2009

For affordable unique holiday shopping

A great place to shop for handmade goods or vintage items.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Helping the youth. Frugal style.

It has been brought to my attention that even the young in our society are looking for ways to make some extra money. I think it may be a trickle down effect from the adults. Since the adults are tightening the budgets and not buying them everything they want. Personally, I feel the children of today are spoiled and the current economic times will teach them valuable lessons. On the other hand, if children need those spikes to play football , or money for dance lessons, or have out grown their bike, the following is what I suggest.
Do what they love and make some money at it. Do you down load music on to Cd's or M3P's? Like keeping a clean room? Are you good at Math? Are you a crafter? People are in need of your services.. Make a flyer and post around the neighborhood or at food stores. I know I have paid $50 to have some one clean , wash and wax my car before. I was happy to pay and saved $50 by not taking it to a professional detailing company. The money is there. Go get it. Think outside the box. I also had a young man mow my lawn for $15 a week. Of course , he used my gas and mower, but I enjoyed the free time. You could also call all your relatives and ask if they need your services or have any odd job for you to do. You may also ask them if they have any unwanted items for a yard sale . You may also want to rent a spot at a flea market ($20) to sell items. Another way to make a few bucks is to sell unwanted clothes at a consignment store. If you have land available ....grow a pumpkin patch. Too late for this now, but a great idea for next year. Have fun.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Auto's on the cheap.

Everyone has their dream car. Mine is the Karmann Ghia. Odd but true. I saw my first Ghia at the tender age of 16 and fell head over heals in love. Laugh if must...but to me it is one of the most stylish autos ever made and cheap on gas. Frugal and beautiful, what a combination.

Enough about me. This post is in response to the person wanting to know how to get an affordable auto. The most expensive way is to purchase new. Although, with this years cash for Klunkers government program it isn't so. For example : If you purchased a Nissan Versa or similar car for around $10 to $11k. minus the $4500 trade in for your klunker you can get a cheap new car with very low payments. If I had a klunker I would certainly buy one. By the way, this would be the only way I would suggest trading in an auto. Always sell out right. Option 2: You could purchase used ,but be sure you do your research online to see how it performs. Google common problems with "type of auto". Google will tell you the truth. You will also want to find out the average value of that type of auto. Don't pay too much. Personally I have saved considerable amount of money buying off lease autos. They are loaded ,low mileage, clean classy autos. Contact a large dealership for these. Another great way is to search on http://www.overstock.com/ Keep in mind that autos depreciate in value. Although, if you purchase a classic auto you will have a great car and it will increase in value. If you are the type who likes to keep up with the Jones' this may be the way to go. Mr or Mrs. Jones may waste $ on a new auto every year and your budget wont allow you. You invest in a classic Mustang, you will be the one coming out ahead. Something to think about....Isn't it? Personally, I like what I like. I prefer stylish autos that are cheap on the gas. Anyway.... Bartering is another way to obtain an auto. When you have established what you want post a wanted ad on http://www.craigslist.com/ or auto locator's paper. You could also call and propose an arrangement to the owners who are selling. In exchange for the auto you offer what you specialize in or enjoy doing. Someone may need a bookkeeper, electrician, contractor, handyman, house cleaner, gardener, artist, photographer.... and they have the auto you want. A combination of cash and barter may work also. I've had good luck on a short term payment plan when I knew I had income tax or Christmas club money coming soon. Always type up something and sign it. You could have it notarized as well. Bartering may seem odd but in this economy people are willing to consider alternatives. Are in need of a basic ride for little or no money? You 're out of luck. Just kidding, contact your local Treehab, or job training and placement organization. They are the people who put on job fairs in your area. Most communities have them. They all have different names but all will assist in training you for employment and help you purchase low cost autos. The local Dept. of Welfare or I believe they call it the county Assistance office can help as well.

*Note to the single ladies: Always be cautious when going to see theses privately owned autos. Bring the big nephew or neighbor guy with you.

Take my survey and keep asking questions. I'm happy to share my frugal knowledge.

Frugal flowers season

This is my favorite time of the year. Just cool enough to wear a sweater. This is also the time when I bring in all my potted plants. To add color to the front of my home I have geraniums in various colors in large pots . I also have portulacas plants planted at the bottom of my potted tropical foliage and potted tropical cannas. As you would imagine it is quite a colorful display. These plants were given to me years ago. Each year I forgo buying flowers for the front of my home. I reuse the the previous years plants. It does take a little care through out the winter. You must water and occasionally feed the plants. I feel it is well worth it, considering the savings and beautiful entrance to my home . You will find they get larger each year. I break off the large branches of the geraniums and stick them in other dirt filled pots to share with frugal friends. The tropical cannas will also need to be dug up and shared with friends as well. As for the portulacas, they die back but reseed themselves to grow again in spring. The plants also look great in the house. I have a chair by them that I sit and enjoy my tea occasionally during the winter. I pretend it's summer, and in that room it is.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Welcome to Fabulous and Frugal Times

Learn how to live LARGE on less. How do I know this can be done? I am living proof. This blog is not for the ordinary people who want to live ordinary lives. This blog is for the the extraordinary people who wish to live extraordinary lives. In today's economy many of us struggle . I can show you how you can have it all and not break the bank.

As I am not a professional writer, please excuse my errors. My goal is not to be a great writer but a great teacher and to make a positive impact on peoples lives. Feel free to ask me questions as I am happy to help you . Please be aware that all the ideas I give are ideas I have used in my own life. Although, they may seem a little odd or take a little doing. The rewards are great.

To start you need a spiral note book or journal. Big is better than small. You decide what you feel comfortable with . For the ladies, you may want to carry it in your purse or the guys may want to put it in the briefcase or auto. When you are home, keep it in a place where you spend the most time . Bedrooms are for sleep. This book will become your best tool to live large on less. Keep it with you always.

Warning: People may tease you about the book. I hear it all the time. Fear not. It will soon stop when they realize you are now building a new home and you are driving a new auto and you look great in your new wardrobe due to that book.

I believe the logical place to start would be income. You must have some income to live. It is extremely important to be aware of your cash flow. Please remember to write down all sources of your income.

On first page of journal write your name and number and offer a reward if found. Don't give a dollar amount.

On the next page write all your income sources. Leave space and total it.

Now that you know what you have to work with take 5 minutes to brainstorm how you could make that number larger. EX. Could you rent garage space or your basement apartment or camper? Do you have a hobby you love that you could profit from? Could you purge yourself of unwanted unused items and sell them for a little nest egg? I will speak more on this topic in the future.

Skip a couple pages and write down your expenses. Look through your check book or credit card statements. This may help you. Include gas , payments, hair cuts, entertainment, gifts, auto repairs , co- pays, lunch money etc. This exercise is just to make you aware of what you are spending. Total this and subract this figure from your income figure.
Are you in the red? If so read the following:

You are spending above your means now and should make an effort to cut out unnecessary spending. No surprise right? Take a hard look and start to reduce your expenses. Can you cut back on cable TV? Pack a lunch or eat a side salad on the dollar menu? Can you cut features on your cell phone or home phone? Have you tried vontage or magic jack? Go to vo tec and get a mani pedi for $5 and save $35. Now is the opportunity for you to ask questions. Contact me with any expense that needs reduced. I can find you an affordable alternative.


Now for my favorite part.....

Skip a few pages after the expenses and write," My new life"

On this page write everything you want in your life . Think big.

EX. Spouse of your dreams, list their qualities. Maybe a better relationship with some one.

home, car, pet, toys, vacations, opportunities for you or your family members. Education? Learn a hobby? Weight loss? Is there something your children or spouse may want? Don't forget them. new car? Tree house? Riding lessons? Big wedding? You are only limited by yourself. You deserve it. Just write it down.

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