Thursday, August 19, 2010

Freebies at the Towanda, PA Riverfest. Aug. 26,27,28

It's that time of year when all the children are bugging their parents to go to the local fair or carnival. They are great family fun but can really hurt the pocketbook or wallet. Fear not, I have a few suggestions for you to enjoy on the cheap. Keep in mind that there is usually a day set aside for children to ride all the rides after purchasing a bracelet for $6-$8.00
Another great idea is to feed the children just before you take them and pack snacks and a few fun toys. You can also ask the older children to bring along some of their allowance if they want something special. The funny thing is that they never want to spend their money. I guess we are raising them right , after all.

If your a local person who subscribes to my blog, listen to this great deal.
Christ Church will be having a booth at Towanda Riverfest. They will be offering free coloring pages for the children, note pad magnets for parents, prayer beads for those signing up for Sunday school, and for a small 50 cent donation to the church you can get a balloon animal or face painting.
I know I'll stop over for balloon animal. Hope to see you there.
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