Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Welcome to Fabulous and Frugal Times

Learn how to live LARGE on less. How do I know this can be done? I am living proof. This blog is not for the ordinary people who want to live ordinary lives. This blog is for the the extraordinary people who wish to live extraordinary lives. In today's economy many of us struggle . I can show you how you can have it all and not break the bank.

As I am not a professional writer, please excuse my errors. My goal is not to be a great writer but a great teacher and to make a positive impact on peoples lives. Feel free to ask me questions as I am happy to help you . Please be aware that all the ideas I give are ideas I have used in my own life. Although, they may seem a little odd or take a little doing. The rewards are great.

To start you need a spiral note book or journal. Big is better than small. You decide what you feel comfortable with . For the ladies, you may want to carry it in your purse or the guys may want to put it in the briefcase or auto. When you are home, keep it in a place where you spend the most time . Bedrooms are for sleep. This book will become your best tool to live large on less. Keep it with you always.

Warning: People may tease you about the book. I hear it all the time. Fear not. It will soon stop when they realize you are now building a new home and you are driving a new auto and you look great in your new wardrobe due to that book.

I believe the logical place to start would be income. You must have some income to live. It is extremely important to be aware of your cash flow. Please remember to write down all sources of your income.

On first page of journal write your name and number and offer a reward if found. Don't give a dollar amount.

On the next page write all your income sources. Leave space and total it.

Now that you know what you have to work with take 5 minutes to brainstorm how you could make that number larger. EX. Could you rent garage space or your basement apartment or camper? Do you have a hobby you love that you could profit from? Could you purge yourself of unwanted unused items and sell them for a little nest egg? I will speak more on this topic in the future.

Skip a couple pages and write down your expenses. Look through your check book or credit card statements. This may help you. Include gas , payments, hair cuts, entertainment, gifts, auto repairs , co- pays, lunch money etc. This exercise is just to make you aware of what you are spending. Total this and subract this figure from your income figure.
Are you in the red? If so read the following:

You are spending above your means now and should make an effort to cut out unnecessary spending. No surprise right? Take a hard look and start to reduce your expenses. Can you cut back on cable TV? Pack a lunch or eat a side salad on the dollar menu? Can you cut features on your cell phone or home phone? Have you tried vontage or magic jack? Go to vo tec and get a mani pedi for $5 and save $35. Now is the opportunity for you to ask questions. Contact me with any expense that needs reduced. I can find you an affordable alternative.


Now for my favorite part.....

Skip a few pages after the expenses and write," My new life"

On this page write everything you want in your life . Think big.

EX. Spouse of your dreams, list their qualities. Maybe a better relationship with some one.

home, car, pet, toys, vacations, opportunities for you or your family members. Education? Learn a hobby? Weight loss? Is there something your children or spouse may want? Don't forget them. new car? Tree house? Riding lessons? Big wedding? You are only limited by yourself. You deserve it. Just write it down.

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